What Everyone Needs to Know About Divorce

FINANCES: Create Financial Security for Yourself and Your Family

icon-moneyDivorce can mean the making the most important financial decisions of your entire life, but we are rarely emotionally equipped to make them! Ask questions.  Get different opinions from professionals.  Read these articles.  And, do not move forward until you are ready.


LEGAL MATTERS: Take Charge by Understanding the Law

icon-briefcaseWe know…it's confusing!  But you are not alone, and the resources we've provided will help you understand the different options available, and the best way to approach them.


EMPOWERMENT: Taking Steps Towards Emotional Freedom

Turbo ChargeThe more you know, the less you'll worry - that doesn't mean it will be easy, or all fears will magically vanish. It does mean that every small step you take in being informed becomes a big step towards your emotional freedom.
Continue to Empowerment


CHILDREN: Helping Your Kids Through Divorce

ChildrenYour children are the single most important part of this equation.  And, how you prepare, react and respond to and with them during this time will make all the difference in their well-being.  Bottom line: if you're okay, they will be too!
Continue to CHILDREN


Divorce Process


Piggy bank standing on top of a pile of money.

How to Get Alimony in a Divorce

When facing divorce, one of the most daunting challenges may be a sense of looming financial uncertainty. If you’ve been the lower-earning spouse or have…

White rocks stacked on water

Therapy and Divorce: The Role of Therapy in Healing and Moving Forward

Divorce is a life-changing event that can leave you feeling overwhelmed, lost, and emotionally drained. It’s a time when everything seems to be falling apart,…

Two hands holding a hundred dollar bill symbolizing alimony and taxes

Is Alimony Taxable?

If you’re considering a divorce from your spouse and have lopsided incomes, then alimony might be a part of your divorce settlement. Alimony, also known…

Man and woman on first date. Man holding roses behind his back.

Is It Okay to Date During a Divorce?

What Are The Legal and Emotional Risks of Dating While Getting a Divorce? Going through a divorce can be an extremely lonely experience, especially if…

What Are Divorce Residency Requirements (and Why Residency Matters for Divorce)

It’s strange but true that the state you live in plays an important role in how your marital estate is divided during your divorce. Living…

How to Buy a House After a Divorce

The emotional grief of divorce is all too easy to anticipate, but many people fail to realize how big a financial blow it can land….

Help! What Do We Do About Student Loan Debt in Divorce?

Divorce is an emotional whirlwind. Even while you try to heal your inner wounds, you must also focus on how to divide your life from…

What You Need to Know About the Doctor Divorce Rate…Especially as a Female Physician

Common wisdom may lead to the assumption that doctors are ripe for divorce. After all, they tend to work long hours and experience a high…

Young white woman celebrates at a table in front of a laptop

How to Change Your Name After a Divorce

You probably felt excited about changing your last name when you married. Maybe you took your spouse’s last name, hyphenated your name, or both changed…

Silhouette of male and female couple facing away from each other with pocket watch hanging over them.

How Long Does Divorce Take?

If you and your spouse have made the decision to seek a divorce, you probably want to get through the unhappy process as fast and…

Wedding cake topper of bride and groom with slash through the image depicting divorce or annulment.

Divorce vs. Annulment — What’s the Difference?

Not every marriage is meant to be. In fact, in some cases, it can become apparent very quickly that a marriage should have never happened….

Young pretty woman sitting on the floor surrounded by moving boxes.

How to Get Your Name Off a Mortgage After Divorce

Getting a divorce is all kinds of stressful. You’ll need to make important decisions that could dramatically impact your life moving forward. One of the…

Pensions and Divorce: Are You Entitled to Your Spouse’s Pension or Is Your Spouse Entitled to Yours?

These days, one of the biggest benefits to holding a public sector job or sticking it out in the military is the promise of a…

All’s Fair with Laura Wasser Podcast Features Candace Bahr and Ginita Wall

The Changing Face of Divorce in America Renowned divorce experts Candace Bahr and Ginita Wall, co-founders of WIFE.org and Second Saturday Divorce Workshops, are guests…

Helping Children Adjust to Divorce

What can you do to lessen the long lasting effects your divorce will have on your children? Over a million children experience the divorce of their parents each year, and the trauma usually begins with distress in the home long before there is an actual separation and divorce.

Do Women Have to Pay Child Support?

When going through a divorce, some women may be surprised to find that they are on the hook for paying child support to their ex-spouse….

What Is the Cost of Divorce?

Celebrity magazines are filled with stories of the rich and famous spending gobs of money to fight their way through an acrimonious divorce. The most…

Bitter Breakups: Unraveling the Impact of Emotional Abuse in Divorce

With fifty percent of marriages in America today ending in divorce, there will be many companions on your journey. That may make it less lonely, but not necessarily less painful.

When Unemployment Meets Divorce: A Co-Parenting Guide

What is Co-Parenting? Co-parenting is a term used to describe the shared responsibility of raising a child between two parents who are no longer in…

How to Tell Your Kids You’re Getting a Divorce

It’s normal for parents to feel uncertain about how to give their children the right support through divorce or separation. Although it may be unknown territory, you can help your kids emerge from it feeling loved, confident, and strong.