What Everyone Needs to Know About Divorce
FINANCES: Create Financial Security for Yourself and Your Family
Divorce can mean the making the most important financial decisions of your entire life, but we are rarely emotionally equipped to make them! Ask questions. Get different opinions from professionals. Read these articles. And, do not move forward until you are ready.
LEGAL MATTERS: Take Charge by Understanding the Law
We know…it's confusing! But you are not alone, and the resources we've provided will help you understand the different options available, and the best way to approach them.
EMPOWERMENT: Taking Steps Towards Emotional Freedom
The more you know, the less you'll worry - that doesn't mean it will be easy, or all fears will magically vanish. It does mean that every small step you take in being informed becomes a big step towards your emotional freedom.
Continue to Empowerment
CHILDREN: Helping Your Kids Through Divorce
Your children are the single most important part of this equation. And, how you prepare, react and respond to and with them during this time will make all the difference in their well-being. Bottom line: if you're okay, they will be too!
Continue to CHILDREN
How to Tell Your Kids You’re Getting a Divorce
It’s normal for parents to feel uncertain about how to give their children the right support through divorce or separation. Although it may be unknown territory, you can help your kids emerge from it feeling loved, confident, and strong.
Ten Ways to Fall in Love With Valentine’s Day After a Divorce
The Perfect Date for You Divorce has a way of sapping self-confidence and leaving self-doubt in its place. Even if the divorce was the right…
Gray Divorce: The Ultimate Boomer Divorce Guide
By Jessica Bennett If you’re considering asking for a divorce after 50, you aren’t alone. The divorce rate after the age of 50 has doubled…
Questions to Ask a Divorce Lawyer: The Ultimate Guide for 2023
Introduction When you’re facing a divorce, one of the most important steps is seeking out the services of a qualified divorce lawyer. Whether you intend…
8 Empowering Things to Know About Your 401K During Divorce
Your 401k may represent the bulk of your retirement savings so the thought of losing any part of it during a divorce can be extra…
How Inflation Impacts Divorce
Rising inflation has come to dominate the news, and you may notice its effects as you pay higher prices at the gas pump and the…
How Covid Changed Divorce and Why Getting Un-Hitched Might Never Be the Same
A lot has been written about how the Covid pandemic put many marriages through a severe stress test. Couples faced job loss and financial instability….
How to Figure Out the True Value of Your Divorce Assets
When you begin the process of divorce, it can feel like a whirlwind. Not only are your emotions raw, but it’s easy to feel overwhelmed…
Will I Lose My Alimony If I Go Back to Work?
With the dramatic cost of childcare in the U.S. (estimated to be $11,666 per year) and our country’s less-than-stellar family-friendly labor laws, it’s understandable that…
How to Create a Child Custody Plan
After a divorce, you’ll face many new challenges as you and your ex-spouse continue to raise a child together while building your separate lives. As…
What Are the Actual Steps to Getting a Divorce?
If you’ve just started considering a divorce, it helps to know what steps you’ll have to take to legally uncouple from your spouse. Every divorce…
How to Negotiate for Your Children’s College Costs During a Divorce
We love this guest article, written by Second Saturday Leader Dr. Shokohi. It provides loads of important information for parents who are preparing for a…
What to Do About Your Rental Properties During a Divorce
Going through a divorce is never easy, and there are many things to consider when it comes to dividing assets like rental properties. Rental property…
Equitable Distribution vs. Community Property – Why Your Location Matters
If you are considering a divorce, one of the most important questions on your mind is probably, How much will I get? This isn’t…
Mine vs. Yours. Understanding Marital Property vs. Separate Property
A divorce inevitably means you and your spouse will need to divide your assets, everything from your vehicles to your 401k. How in the world…
Let’s Talk About Child Custody
Physical items can be replaced, but time with your children is priceless. It’s no surprise then that determining child custody is often the most challenging…
Why Can’t I Just Get Divorced? Understanding Legal Waiting Periods Before Divorce
You are 100% sure that it’s time to end your marriage. No, make that 1,000% sure. Maybe he cheated. Maybe she promised to change but…
Unemployed and Want a Divorce? Here’s What You Need to Know
Losing a job and facing the resulting money challenges can stress even the best marriages, and stressed marriages often lead to one or both parties…
What Can You Do About Domestic Violence During a Pandemic?
Unfortunately, domestic violence (also known as domestic abuse, relationship abuse, and intimate partner violence), is a reality for many women and even some men within…
What to Expect from Divorce in a Post-Pandemic World
They say distance makes the heart grow fonder, so what happens when couples are forced into near-constant proximity as the world locks down due to…